Career Exploration and Training Program
A career building program exclusively for Science students to broaden their horizons, sharpen their competitive edge and figure out their career directions. A series of training and networking events will be arranged for students to take a deeper look at the diversified job markets and enhance their employability. Job referral services on internship and graduate jobs will be provided to match caliber candidates with industrial partners.
Program highlights:
- Alumni Sharing
- CV Writing Workshop
- Firm Visit
- Individual Career Advising
- Interview Training Workshop (Assessment Center, Group Discussion, Panel Interview and etc.)
- In the Eyes of Real HRs - Mock Interview Workshop
- Job Referral Services
- Recruitment Events

Social Entrepreneurship Training Program
Over the past ten years, our city sees a threefold increase in the number of social enterprises. Talent recruitment has always been a headache for the industry as people often associate social entrepreneurship with non-profit making work. By offering a series of entrepreneurial trainings and winter internship in social enterprises/venture philanthropic organizations, our students can take a glimpse of this rising business model, gain hands-on experience and realize how they can give back to the society from different aspects.
Check out our students' engagement via here!

HKUST Science X Teach Unlimited Foundation Job Shadowing Scheme
Our School cooperates with Teach Unlimited Foundation (TUF), which is an active recruiter at HKUST to launch this scheme. This pilot program allows passionate and socially conscious young talents to get a taste of quality education and learn how mentoring can be integrated into youth education in Hong Kong. Participants can shadow TUF Program Mentors to design and execute whole-person development activities for financially and socially disadvantaged groups in local schools. Training is also provided for participants to understand more about self-understanding and mentoring tools.

SCIE 1100 Career Building Course
Practice makes perfect. As a one-credit bearing free elective class co-organized by the School and the Career Center, SCIE 1100 Career Building Course aims at providing an intensive training exclusively for Science Students to keep on learning and letting them experience the real situations in the job-hunting arena. Students will learn how to realize their own strengths and weaknesses, and improve themselves step by step. The activity-based training can motivate students’ participation, serving as a platform for them to share knowledge and resources.

Dialogue with Executives Series
“Youth is wasted on the young; Wisdom is wasted on the old.” Why don't we learn from the life experience of seniors? In this series, undergraduate students will meet up corporate executives at their offices in a small-group setting. Participants can take a glimpse of different industries and acquire the key to success via interacting with social dignitaries in a casual and relaxing atmosphere. Renowned speakers include Mr. Frank Wong (President, Asia, Scholastic Inc.) and Ms. Margaret W. S. So (Director, Recruitment and Resourcing, Human Resources, KPMG).

HKUST Science X UBS Mentorship Program
Exclusively for HKUST Science undergraduate students, this pioneer program serves as a platform for students to know more about the investment banks, expand their professional network and find their fits in the sector. Training on pitching, interview and networking will also be provided.

Meet our Career Consultant
Starting from Spring 2014, our School has been inviting experienced Career Consultants to provide tailor-made advice for students on exploring their career goals and consolidating their job-hunting techniques. From polishing resumes and cover letters to conducting mock interviews, our one-on-one Career Consultation session ensures an all-round development of each student. Students' feedback and booking results (almost all sessions are fully booked) are encouraging.
To make an appointment with our Career Consultant, please go onto mySCI.

Internships, Job Opportunities &
Career-Related Events
Internship experience is important for students to gain valuable real work experiences, and enhance their generic skills like problem-solving skills and interpersonal skills. Numerous internships, job opportunities and other career-related events are available to you. To view the career-related activities currently open for application, please refer to the following websites:
University-level job-searching engines:
Other job-searching engines:
- Classified Post
- Indeed
- jobsDB
- Joint Institutions Job Information System (JIJIS)
- JUMP (Ming Pao)
Job-hunting tips:

Important Notes on Internship
When taking up internships, it is important to be aware of the labor laws and regulations that are relevant to student employees.
Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO) – Since 1 May 2011, MWO has come into force that Statutory Minimum Wage is set and student employees are affected. To know more how the MWO affects student employees, please visit the website of the Labour Department, or the relevant webpage of the HKUST Career Center. |
Non-local students working in Hong Kong – Non-local students are bound by certain immigration regulations when taking up internships during their study in Hong Kong. To know more about this, please visit the website of the Labour Department, or the relevant webpage of the HKUST Career Center. |