The following Exchange Partners matched your search criteria:

'Staying at DTU for exchange is definitely one of the best choices I have made in my university study. Apart from living in a completely different environment and tackling with new challenges every day, I have been inspired by the people around. All these have a huge impact on my personal development and helped me develop a positive attitude towards life. 'Life is an adventure with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all, experiences to enjoy.' I am really thankful that I have met great companions during exchange!'

'The exchange experience was fruitful and inspiring. First of all, I got to learn more about the American way of college education and improved my academic speaking skills. Second, by putting myself into the new culture, I made interesting friends and had fun together. Third, it prepared me for future graduate study in the USA: independence, time management, transportation, tipping etiquette, etc. It is definitely a precious opportunity to join the exchange program and explore the world!'

'This five-month exchange has become one of the integral parts of my university life! I have developed a strong sense of belonging in this spacious campus as well as in this fabulous country with a beautiful natural environment surrounding by. The friendliness, kindness and the affectionateness of the people there have made my heart melt, that they were definitely wonderful and have filled my life with colours. I could get help easily from the amiable professors when I faced obstacles in my study. This valuable and irreplaceable exchange experience have shaped me to a brand new person and to be more mature. I can tell you that Taiwan is the origin of love that I have no doubts to love this place and the great people I met there!'